Saturday, January 10, 2009

Which photo-take would you like of me best?

I've got a bit a of a delima. I can't seem to pick out my favorite profile picture, which one do you like the best? Oh do be honest, I can take it like a big boy. Note a bit of a smile creeping in on a few of these : ) It's all because I've found religion....NOT! Hah, well do take a looksie:

"Dreaming of you"

"Peek-a-boo rock"

"Come, let's chat"

"Bright eyes"

"Serious business"


  1. Oh, do vote on the left column. I've discovered a voting...well, thingie. Just choose the best one, alright. We need to get this over with.

  2. Dear Friend!
    What do you mean, ha-ha?
